
This website is devoutly dedicated to all of Larry's friends and associates, both early and late, who have influenced and mentored him. However, it also should be noted that, being who they are, a majority of them have been late most of the time.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Firearms Feeding Frenzy

The calumny and reflexive media hysteria since the monstrous mass murders in Connecticut and elsewhere continues with little pause for us to ponder.

Let's not allow the reactions of some panicked and pandering politicians to create even more of a frenetic feeding frenzy out of our heartfelt national sorrow and distress.

Let's absolutely not allow this and other terrible tragedies to be twisted to inadvertently further enable the despicable acts of the mentally ill and morally challenged, creating even more killing fields.

Let's certainly not forget that the previous (and now expired) federal assault weapons ban had no discernable impact to reduce violent crimes.

Let's also not forget that Connecticut already had and has some of the strictest firearms regulations in our nation.

Let's be cautious and consider the emotional bias and even the fallacious fear of firearms by some, which has led to woefully worrisome siege mentality proposals, to further barricade our schools and other public places.


Let's not fall victim to creating a false sense of security with ill-considered proposals.


Let's not continue to attempt to disarm responsible citizens.


Let's not make us and our children even more defenseless prey to  the depravity of more of the same evildoers.

Good grief!


A wise wag previously pointed out that violent crime is not caused by firearms, just as obesity is not caused by spoons.

After all, wasn't it Samuel Colt's invention that first was credited as being "the great equalizer"?

I don't own a personal firearm, but my next door and near neighbors do own them, and I know that the personal safety of all of us is enhanced when responsible citizens have the means of self defense.

A brave teacher was killed, while trying to shield the children.

For want of a defensive firearm, many died, and our nation weeps.

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