
This website is devoutly dedicated to all of Larry's friends and associates, both early and late, who have influenced and mentored him. However, it also should be noted that, being who they are, a majority of them have been late most of the time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tax Attacks!

Tax his land.
Tax his bed.
Tax the table
at which he's fed.

Tax his tractor.
Tax his mule.
Teach him taxes
are the rule.

Tax his work.
Tax his pay.
He works for
peanuts anyway.

Tax his cow.
Tax his goat.
Tax his pants,
and tax his coat.

Tax his ties.
Tax his shirt.
Tax his work,
and tax his dirt.

Tax his body.
Tax his brain.
Tax his air, and
tax his rain.

Tax his water.
Tax his bath.
Take it all.
Take all he hath.

Tax his mother.
Tax his dad.
Tax his simple
homeplace pad.

Tax his tobacco.
Tax his drink.
Tax him if he
tries to think.

Tax his wine.
Tax his beers.
If he cries,
then tax his tears.

Tax his car.
Tax his fuel.
Make him feel like
such a tool.

When he screams,
tax him more.
Tax him 'till
he's good and sore.

Tax his coffin.
Tax his grave.
Tax the sod in
which he's laid.

Put these words
upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me
to my doom!".

When he's gone,
do not relax.
Because then it's time
for inheritance tax!

Please share this message with others,  asking them to go and do likewise, and, for sure and for certain, may God bless you real good!

West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump  
West Virginia House of  Delegates District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)