
This website is devoutly dedicated to all of Larry's friends and associates, both early and late, who have influenced and mentored him. However, it also should be noted that, being who they are, a majority of them have been late most of the time.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hoosier Homage

Offering an invocation at the West Virginia State Legislature

The following is my response to an old Hoosier friend, and his original note to me:


Thank you for your kind thoughts and encouraging words.

The surgeon tells me that I have a most excellent prognosis, although the final results of the biopsy are still being analyzed.

I think of you, my former Hoosier Bishop, and my other old friends in Indiana often, as I also pine for the company of my friends and former associates in the West Virginia State Capitol.

Meanwhile, why God repeatedly has made me His "Designated Survivor" remains a mystery to me.

Your fervent friend and fan,


-----Original Message-----

From: "Duerden, Noel H"

Sent: Nov 17, 2016 8:51 PM

To: "Larry D. Kump"

Subject: Kudos to you

I just read your treatise on Faith and Politics ("Faith & Politics, My Personal Pilgrimage" entry at this website) and marvel at your understanding and depth of thought. It was an inspiration to me and further affirms my faith in the Latter-day work. I would so much like to have you in Indiana again where you could help our members and others, understand and live lives more fully. I hope your cancer is beaten so that you can continue helping others in their quests for truth and understanding of life