
This website is devoutly dedicated to all of Larry's friends and associates, both early and late, who have influenced and mentored him. However, it also should be noted that, being who they are, a majority of them have been late most of the time.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Reflections

A friend shared the following five New Year's reflections with me:

1. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

2. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and then call whatever you hit the target.

3. I'm supposed to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder to find one.

4. You're never too old to do something stupid.

5. Doing the same thing for a long time doesn't make you any better at it than standing in a garage for a long time makes you a car.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


For the remainder of my term of office, and beyond even then, I'll still be working hard to protect and empower all of us! 🙂

Simply put: Even before my previous election to the West Virginia Legislature, it always was and will continue to be my personal practice and philosophy to stand up and speak out on behalf of our personal rights, responsibilities, and empowerment. This will continue to be so, for as long as I breathe in and breathe out. 🤔

Visit & for more about good governance issues, and, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good! 🤗

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Monday, November 23, 2020

Thankful & looking foward to new elections

 FALLING WATERS, WV - Thankful for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and reflecting upon our recent West Virginia elections, West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties) praised county election officials, volunteer poll workers, and energized Mountaineer voters.

 Also, and in a recent meeting with the Berkeley County Council, Delegate Kump applauded the Council's intentions to create additional early voting locations and more voting precincts, in order to reduce long lines of voters in future elections.

 He particularly praised Berkeley County Chief Elections Deputy Darrell Shull, his staff, and the  volunteer poll workers for their "herculean efforts and priceless performance". 

 Delegate Kump further pointed out that many of these volunteer poll workers are elderly, but nonetheless willingly work on election day "from before dawn until long after dusk" on election days.

 Accordingly Delegate Kump proposed that the Berkeley County Council make "an investment in Democracy", by increasing the token volunteer poll worker compensation from $150 to up to $250.

 He then went on to invite all other West Virginia counties to "for sure and for certain, go and do likewise, that God may continue to bless West Virginia elections real good".

 For more about good governance issues, visit and


My wife Cheryl is (still) a "Hottie"!

 Christine (middle) and Adam Sprang (right) are both resplendent as well as radiant in their wedding photo, but the "hottie" therein is my gorgeous and beloved wife Cheryl (left). 

 Cheryl telephoned me several times every day while she was in Cleveland for the wedding, and she was and is is so excited and happy on behalf of her daughter Christine and new son-in-law Adam Sprang. (A year later now, Christine now has given birth to her son, Jack Anthony Sprang. Of course, Cheryl now shares photos of her new Grandson Jack with me on a daily basis).

 Cheryl also was pleased to see her other three daughters once more, as they all were together at the wedding.

 Even so,  I told Cheryl, that it was time for her to come home to me and our Bodacious Bob, the Wonder Dog.🤔

 I lived alone for many years, prior to marrying Cheryl, but that weekend was the first time, since our marriage on August 11th, 2018, that I had been alone  here at our Falling Waters, West Virginia home.

  I thought it would be a treat or even a nice vacation for me to once again have some cherished private time during that weekend. 

 However, within less than an hour after Cheryl departed, to  drive to Cleveland, our home suddenly seemed so empty and I quickly became very lonely and even sad.😢

So, I told Cheryl, "Drive home to me and Bob as fast as you can, and don't heed the speed limits!" 😮

And so it went and for sure and for certain, when Cheryl arrived back home to me, that God blessed us all real good!

Since Cheryl returned home, we also adopted an English Red Tick Coon Hound puppy, Lady Sadie-Belle von Kumpff.

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit & for my thoughts on other issues,  but mostly about good governance.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

How this Citizen Legislator Serves

 Recent legislative differences of opinions and even some calumnious eruptions within the halls of our West Virginia State Legislature have prompted me to publish how and why I continue to sacrifice and serve in the West Virginia House Of Delegates (District # 59, Berkeley-Morgan counties)

 Previously and currently, when serving in the West Virginia Legislature (2010-2014 and 2018 to present)), it always has been my habit to arrive early for all committee hearings, and also to start each of my legislative work days at the State House prior to 6:00 AM, and usually earlier than even then.

(It's amazing what you can accomplish with advance preparation and a robust work ethic!)

 Also, I never have participated in lobbyists' dinners or parties during legislative sessions.

 Even so, my legislative office door always has been open to anyone who wants to discuss issues and principles with me.

Furthermore, rather than relying on the loudest and most raucous voices of some constituents and a few lobbyists, my simple solution always has been to carefully consider the merits of all constituent concerns, but then also be diligent in upholding the sacred Constitutional Oath of Office, which is given to all elected officials.

Our Oath of Office is to prayerfully deliberate, uphold, and defend  our state and federal Constitutions. This sacred vow is not only made to us and our constituents, but also to God.

Truly, doesn't our Constitution  mandate that the basic principles and practices of our government are the pursuit of individual liberty, personal accountability, and personal empowerment (i. e., the "Pursuit of Happiness")?

And so, that always has been and is the well-spring of our unique "American Excellence", and also it is my duty and goal as a West Virginia state legislator.

Simply put, it's not about striving  to pander to the loudest and most raucous voices.

Instead, it  always should be to attempt to strive to glean the best legislative vote, regardless of any future election outcome.

That is my greatest desire, and that principle and practice of mine never waivers.

Please Visit and, for more about other principles and issues of good governance. Share this post with others, and ask them to go and do likewise with still others.😉

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!😍

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Friday, November 20, 2020

Just Doing His Duty

 West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, of Falling Waters,  previously participated in an all day "Institute", hosted by the Association of Parliamentarians in Severn, Maryland.

 This good governance advocate explained that, "Folks might view this as a tedious wonk-fest about public meeting protocol, but the proper knowledge and application of parliamentary procedures is an essential element of effective governance. I really enjoyed that additional opportunity to further learn and grow, to better serve my friends and neighbors in West Virginia."

 A life-long student of the Constitution, Delegate Kump always carries a pocket size edition of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with him.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

Please visit & for more about good governance issues.

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties) 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Character Counts!

As previously published in "The Journal" daily newspaper, by Ed Singhas:

"Some of the social changes we’ve had to endure have made life increasingly frustrating, but we can turn things around if we want to.
We do this by looking past the political rhetoric, and focus on real American values, as opposed to perverted values being sold to us by politicians vying for the vote of each well defined group they themselves created.
We can restore America if we vote for the right people. People who hold to values that made this a great Country to live in.
Those we send to represent us must have impeccable character and integrity as testified by people who know them best, people with know-how, and a proven record of success.
Larry D. Kump,  West Virginia House of Delegates, District #59, has demonstrated that he is sensitive to injustices, and has taken them on at every turn, but never has he used them to incite unrest for political gain.
Larry is a common sense, Christian man who keeps our individual rights front and center. He's a man of principle and high moral values, dedicated to doing what’s right for West Virginians. A Constitutional Conservative, with a proven record of accomplishment in the West Virginia House of Delegates, but more importantly, a man we can trust.
As a long time friend of Larry’s I can tell you , he didn’t just start caring when he entered politics. His entering politics was a result of his genuine concern, and confidence in his ability to get things done.
After a brief time away, his return to public service in 2018 came at the urging of those who know him best, and are confident there’s no one better for the job.
You’ve never had anyone fight harder for you, and as someone who lives outside of his district, I know our State only benefited from his strong presence in Charleston.
I know I share this confidence with many people across our State,  and putting Larry D. Kump back in the House of Delegates was a big step in the right direction for West Virginians.
 -Ed Singhas,
Martinsburg, West Virgina"

Postscript from Larry: Visit and for more about good governance issues, and please share this message with others, asking them to go and do likewise. Finally, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Kump Biography

Larry D. Kump came out of retirement and was first elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 2010, serving two terms in office (until the end of 2014). He then once again came out of retirement and was elected for yet another two year term in the West Virginia House of Delegates in 2018-2020 (Republican, District #59, Berkeley-Morgan counties).

He also has over forty years of prior legislative and public administration skills and experience.

These skills and experience includes management expertise in managing large budgets and meeting payrolls. This expertise is on both the management and employees' side of the table in multiple jurisdictions throughout our nation. He also has drafted and gotten legislation passed into law, often against formidable opposition.

Larry is no stranger to hard work. He began work at age twelve (managing two newspaper routes at the same time), worked at a local shoe store at age 16 (every day after school and on Saturdays), and then continued working at a number of full and part-time jobs to pay for his college tuition. He even found time to be a local radio personality.

This grateful husband of his beloved and bodacious wife Cheryl and proud father of David & Sarah graduated from Frostburg State University with a Political & Social Science Majors and Minors in Economics, Geography, & Philosophy. Since then he has received an alumni achievement award. He later also returned to Hagerstown Community College to receive an Associate's degree, which included a concentration  in Criminal Justice & Business Administration. The community college has given him a community citation award.

He worked in bank management, trained as a CPA, was the Legislative Aide for the Pennsylvania Senate Republican Leader, and even was accepted as a candidate for MENSA membership.

This grass roots leader and Constitutional scholar then went on to be a Labor Relations Specialist for the Maryland Classified Employees Association (MCEA), an independent public employee advocate organization.

After working for MCEA, Larry accepted the position as the Executive Director of the Indiana State Employees Association (ISEA), another independent public employee advocate group. He reorganized ISEA's structure and budget, frequently lecturing at Indiana University and Purdue University post graduate classes on public administration practices and principles.

This kinsman to founding father Patrick Henry and former West Virginia Governor Herman Guy Kump (1932 term) also is related to Town of Hedgesville founder Josiah Hedges.

He also previously served as Regional President of the Assembly of Governmental Employees (AGE), overseeing public policy advocacy issues from Illinois to West Virginia, and received various additional awards for his public service.

His other activities included serving as a leader of the Foundation for Advancement for Industrial research (FAIR), the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), and many other public service organization, as well as serving as an arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau and the American Arbitration Association.

Moving to West Virginia in 1989, he graduated at the top of his class from the Maryland Correctional Professional Staff Academy as a Maryland Prison Case Manager and then  continued to serve as a court expert witness, employee training coordinator, cognitive development trainer, employee critical incident stress counselor, and certified mediator.

He also worked part-time during the evenings as a sex offender group therapy facilitator.

Serving in numerous MCEA elected offices, Larry drafted legislative proposals for the Maryland Legislature and testified before various Legislative Committees.

In 1991, he also successfully organized a coalition of Berkeley County neighbors to block plans for sewage effluent discharge across their privately owned properties by an out-of-state developer.

After witnessing the overwhelmed facilities and woefully inadequate parking at the local Falling Waters Post Office, he contacted and persuaded the national postal authorities to build a new Post Office in 1993.

A cancer survivor, this independent thinker and advocate of citizen empowerment also is an ordained minister within the Hedgesville Ward (congregation) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Larry is a strong believer in rock solid fiscal discipline, enhancing family values, and strengthening individual liberty and personal responsibilities.

Gravely concerned about those who are elected to represent us, Larry continually reminds friends and associates that our government belongs solely to the citizens, and that too many forget that one of the major sources of our "American Excellence simply is our Constitution and our citizens.

Please visit the other posts on this website and also for more about his views on the issues.

Meanwhile and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Who wants free ice cream?

The Presidential election was heating up, and some grade school children were showing an interest.
The teacher decided that having an election for a class president would be a good civics lesson.
The students would choose the nominees.
The nominees would make campaign speeches, and the class then would vote.
There were many nominations.

Donnie and Joey were picked as finalists.

The day arrived for them to make their speeches.
Donnie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make the class a better place, and promised to do his very best. Everyone applauded.
Then Joey spoke. He said, "If you will vote for me, I will give everybody ice cream."
The class went wild, screaming, "Yes! Yes! We want ice cream!"
An intense discussion followed. How did Joey plan to pay for the ice cream?

Joey didn't know.
Would Joey's parents buy it, or would the class pay for it?

Joey didn't know.
The class really didn't care. They just wanted ice cream.
Donnie was forgotten.
Joey won by a landslide.
Sometimes, elections are like that.
Please visit and for more about the principles of good governance, and share this post with others, asking them to also go and do likewise. 🤔
And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good! 😍

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

"Mouseland" (or, the Power of Principles over Politics)

The "Mouseland" fable originally was written in the 1940's by Clarence Gillis, and then later narrated by the late Tommy Douglas and subsequently made into a slide show presentation.

It was in the late 1960's when I first saw a film of the slide show version, when I was a political science undergraduate student at Frostburg State College in Western Maryland.

It since then has been remade into an animated video version.

Regardless of the politics and Canadian nationality of Tommy Douglas, Mouseland's message rises above fractious and feckless political partisanship, both then and now, with a cry for each and every one of us to stand up and be responsible for our own personal accountability and empowerment.

Click here to watch the video, and decide for yourself if these principles make as much sense to you as they do for me.

Also, pass this along to all of your friends, family, and associates by clicking on the envelope icon at the end of this entry. Even better: Ask them all to go and do likewise!

Regardless of where you live, do your part to support the quest for "Jobs & Prosperity", "Personal Liberty & Family Values", and "Returning Government Back to the People".

Until then, may God bless you all real good!

Working together to Stay Independent,

West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Postscript: Visit the other posts on this website and also for more of this about that!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

In the House of Delegates Chamber

 This photo was taken, while I was speaking during a previous Summer legislative interim committee meeting, as the sunshine streamed through the West Virginia House of Delegates chamber skylight and darkened my photo gray transition eyeglasses.
 For more about issues in support of good governance, visit my and websites, and ask others to go and do likewise.
 Until then, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Horton Hears Whom?

 "To get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it with."
-Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
 Delegate Larry D. Kump previously read "Horton hears a Who" to the children at the North Berkeley Branch Library (in Spring Mills, West Virginia) on the library's 50th birthday.   

He also wore a "special" hat in honor of Dr. Seuss (see "The Cat in the Hat") as well as for the previous 150th birthday of the State of West Virginia.

 The "Horton Hears a Who" book is one of the all time favorites of Delegate Kump, because of the lesson it teaches about the worth of each and every one of us and it espouses much of his personal philosophy on life..

 His favorite quote from the book is, "Don't give up! I believe in you all! A person's a person, no matter how small!...If you make yourselves heard! So come on, now, and TRY! ...We've got to make noises in greater amounts! So, open your mouth, ...! For every voice counts!"

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real  good, as we all make our voices count, especially now and during the 2020 elections!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties).

Visit & for more about his views on good governance.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Why It Matters

 Especially now and in these troubled times, some of us even are questioning our Constitution , which is our God given well-spring of our "American Excellence".
 That's why it is so important for each and every one of us to stand up and speak out on behalf of our sacred principles of self determination, liberty, and personal accountability.

Click on the link below for more of this about that:

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

 Also visit my other Facebook posts, as well as, for my views on other issues.
 And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Listening, Working Together, and Getting the Job Done


"Larry D. Kump has been a friend and a teacher for me.
 He taught me how government works.
 Many years ago, when we both worked as Maryland prison case managers, I had a personal problem with my retirement eligibility, and the only way to fix it was by having legislation written and introduced in both the Maryland House of Delegates and Senate.
We did that with Larry's assistance.
The legislation was passed, signed into law, and my retirement eligibility problem was fixed.
I consider Larry to be my true friend.
He is a great asset as a Delegate in the West Virginia Legislature.
He listens!
He works!
He gets the job done!

Larry's Friend and Former MD Prison Case Manager Colleague,
Jodie Arnold"

Visit & for more about good governance issues.

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

About God & Good Governance

After wondering and worrying about the issues and those who seek our election validation and votes in 2020, a prayerful poem by Meade McGuire came into my thoughts:

 "Father, where shall I work today?"
 And my love flowed warm and free.
 Then He pointed out a tiny spot, and said, "Tend that for me".
 I answered quickly, "Oh no; not that! Why, no one would ever see, No matter how well my work was done; Not that little place for me."
 And the word He spake, it was not stern; He answered me tenderly: "Ah, little one, search that heart of thine. Art thou working for them or for me? Nazareth was a little place, And so was Galilee."

 And so, in this 2020 election season, as we grapple with our privilege and responsibility to be an informed and engaged citizen voter, let us all work to do so prayerfully, that Providence may chart our choices and bless our nation.

 And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

 Visit & my  Facebook page ( for more  about good governance issues and concerns.

Also, please share this message with others, and ask them to go and do likewise!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Martin Niemoller & Us

The ongoing firearms phobia and also the current obsession with hateful and divisive "Identity Politics" by much of our national mainstream media and even some of our elected representatives continues to alarm and worry me.

These perverse perspectives of social justice endanger all of our collective and individual liberties.

Many of these folks seem confusedly convinced that undermining our "American Excellence", by trampling upon our sacred Constitutional rights, somehow will eliminate the dreadful depredations of those who are morally corrupt, malevolent, or even mentally ill.

And so it went that I continued to pray and ponder about this instant assault upon all of our citizen rights and liberties, especially those provided by those amendments that comprise our Constitution's "Bill of Rights".

Then, I remembered my days long ago, as the student editor of "The Night Crier" campus newspaper at Hagerstown Junior College, and how I was inspired by a wall poster about Martin Niemoller.

Martin knew first hand why it's so important for each and every one of us to stand up and be counted in our collective pursuit of liberty and individual rights for each and every one of us, regardless of our differences.

He was a German and a Protestant pastor, who spent the last seven years of World War II as a prisoner in various Nazi concentration camps.

Martin spoke contemporaneously, and different versions abound about what he said, but it went something like this:

"First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then, they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then, they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then, they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Catholic.

Then, they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me."

For more of this about other good governance issues, see my other posts at this site, and also visit

Please share this message with others,and ask them to go and do likewise with even more others!

And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump,
District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Postscript: My maternal Grandfather's family were German Jews.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Montani Semper Liberi & More!

Here are just a few fascinating facts about West Virginia:

*Montani Semper Liberi!” (“Mountaineers are Always Free!”) is our official State Motto. Oft times, our elected officials struggle to understand and preserve this precious liberty. Also, my friend Tom Price, while lamenting the efforts of our West Virginia elected officials to impose even more taxes upon us, recently exclaimed, "Montani Semper Impensa!" (Mountaineers Always Pay the Fee!)

*“Vandalia” was the first name suggested for West Virginia, as part of a proposed 14th colony, which also included Eastern Kentucky and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The first name proposed for the current State of West Virginia was “Kanawha”, although that proposal did not include the current Eastern Panhandle as part of West Virginia.

*The West Virginia “State Fruit” is not our elected public officials. It is the Golden Delicious Apple.

*Romney (Hampshire County) and Shepherdstown (Jefferson County) fiercely contest which was the first incorporated municipality in West Virginia, but Hedgesville (Berkeley County) was soon founded thereafter.

*Civil War General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was born in West Virginia.

*The Grandparents of famous frontiersman and hero of the Alamo, Davy Crockett, lived in Spring Mills (Berkeley County). Their home still stands, just a few scant miles from my home in Falling Waters.

*“Pepperoni Rolls” were created by West Virginia coal miners, as a handy meal to take with them into the depths of coal mines. West Virginia Delegate Joshua Nelson authored a resolution naming pepperoni rolls as the official West Virginia State Food in the 2013 session of the West Virginia Legislature.

*One of the smallest parks in the United States is “Berkeley Springs State Park”, which is right smack downtown in the West Virginia town of “Bath”. Nope, the name of the town of Bath is not Berkeley Springs. Berkeley Springs only is the name of the Post Office which serves the town of Bath.

Also, visit & for information about good governance issues

Please share this message with others, asking them to also go and do likewise!

And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Genesis of West Virginia?

God was nowhere to be seen for six days.

Finally, Michael, the Archangel, found him resting on the seventh day.

Michael asked God, "Where have you been?".

God smiled with deep satisfaction and pointed downward through the clouds, saying, "Michael, look what I created!".

Puzzled, Michael asked, "What is it?".

"It's a planet", replied God, "and I'm going to call it Earth, and it has balance."

"Balance?", said Michael, "What's that?".

God then explained, pointing out the different areas of Earth.

"For example, this area is a place of great forests, but this other area is covered with rocky mountains. Over there is a region of many lakes and streams, but over here is a broad grassland.".

He continued, "This area is hot and humid, but over here it is cold and covered with ice.".

Michael, impressed with God's handiwork, then pointed to one particular spot and said, "What about that area?".

"That's West Virginia, the most glorious spot on earth. There are beautiful mountains, rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills, and plains. The people I've placed there are good looking, modest, intelligent, and humorous. They are sociable, hard-working, high achievers, peaceable, and producers of good things.".

Gasping in awe and wonder, Michael then asked, But what about balance? You said that there would be balance.".

God ruefully smiled and explained, "Over there, just East of West Virginia is Washington, D.C.. Wait until you see those people and that place!".

For information about good governance issues, take a moment to visit and,  asking others to also go and do likewise.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God continue to bless West Virginia all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The View from Our Front Porch

 This woodsy view was photographed from our front porch (see photo below), early in the misty morning by my wondrous wife Cheryl.

 For sure and for certain, I love our "sacred grove" Falling Waters home, but not as much as I love my wife Cheryl.

 Meanwhile, may God bless Cheryl, our Bodacious Bob (the Wonder Dog), our new English Red Tick Coon Hound puppy (Lady Sadie-Belle von Kumpff), our home, and all of you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit & about good governance issues.

Monday, August 17, 2020

"Animal Farm" & Our Times

Was George Orwell a secular prophet for our times?

This August was the anniversary month of the publication of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" novel.

I read Orwell's book many years ago, as a high school student, but, now, I am even more concerned than ever, about the increasingly destructive and contentious voices within our nation.

 Perhaps those, who so shrilly celebrate and endorse "Identity Politics", while also assaulting our law enforcement officers and burning and looting our cities, should dust off a copy of Orwell's book, read it, and apply its chilling message of angry divisiveness to today's political and media frenzy?

 God made all of us brothers and sisters, but "Identity Politics" obscures us from this Eternal Truth.

Anger and divisiveness truly is a noxious cancer. It eats away at us and our nation's heart and soul.

Please visit about other good governance issues, and also

Better yet, also share this post with others, asking them to go and do likewise!

And, for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good! 

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley- Morgan counties)

Friday, August 14, 2020

...and a little child will lead them!

A good many years ago and after our local church services, the eight year old daughter of Tom and Jennifer Merrill asked me about government.

She wondered why our government makes so many rules that interfere so much with our right to make personal choices in our own lives.

After we discussed the dynamics of that issue, she simply declared, "That isn't fair!".

I agree.

That's why it's my personal political passion to work for our individual liberty, personal accountability, and personal empowerment.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit & for more about good governance issues.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

"Granfalloon" & More...

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., in "Cat's Cradle", described a meaningless event as a "Granfalloon", and, sadly, some view their own lives in that way.

 Indeed, Henry David Thoreau once also that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation".

  In the 1992 movie, "Leap of Faith", starring Steve Martin and Deborah Winger, there is a musical number which tugs at heartstrings.

 I don't now remember the name of the song or even most of its lyrics, but part of the chorus went something like this:

"I've been lonely.
I've been cheated.
I've been misunderstood.
I've been washed up.
I've been put down,
and told I'm no good,

The rest of the song's lyrics are intensely uplifting and go on to strike powerful and positive chords about finding joy in the purpose of life.

 A better and even more accurate perspective of how we should approach life is embraced in the song "Hallelujah" by "The Canadian Tenors" (click here for a link to the musical video).

 And so, we all stumble, but it is our compassion for others, as well as our perseverance in works of faith, that lifts us up to be more than we otherwise ever could imagine that we could become.

 Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit & for more about principles over politics.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Benefited by Ben

Previously, Ben Kelkye traveled to West Virginia for our Berkeley County Republican Club meeting, and, among other topics, this Master Training Counselor shared his expertise and insight about teaching citizens how to avoid becoming victims.

Our group was particularly impressed and deeply moved by his personal account of his previous duty as a chief security operative for the former Shah of Iran, and how he later discovered and embraced the principles of liberty and personal accountability as a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.

His observation that Americans enjoy liberty, but mostly fail to appreciate the depth and value of that blessing was an incredible personal testimony.

We were rapt.

For more about good governance issues, visit and

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

From a State Police Troop Commander

This heartening and personal note, from several years ago, truly warmed my heart.

"Good afternoon Delegate Kump,

This is just a quick note to say thanks for your service in the West Virginia Legislature.

If you need anything from the Panhandle while you are away from home, please do not hesitate to call (feel free to share this invitation with all Panhandle representatives).

Also, thanks for your obvious strong support of our Constitution, more particularly our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I believe this amendment allows us to protect and secure all other rights given to us by our Creator.

Furthermore, I know you have always supported West Virginia State Police issues, and I appreciate your solid efforts on our behalf concerning future matters that will allow the West Virginia State Police to continue our longstanding service to the citizens of this great State.

Hope all is well in Charleston.
Montani Semper Liberi!


Captain Rob Blair
Troop 2 Commander
West Virginia State Police"

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit & for more about good governance issues.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Travel & Troopers

As I recently re-read this previous post of mine from 2012 (see below), I was reminded anew of the dangerous nature of the jobs that our overworked and underpaid law enforcement officers do to serve and protect us, and how much more dangerous it is now to take our life in hand to travel on Interstate I-81.

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

 Please read the below exchange of concerns (re-published now from 2012 and in listed in  reverse chronological order):

Captain Blair,
You guardians of our safety are overworked and underpaid.
Please pass along my gratitude to all of your staff for all that all of you do for all of us.
-Delegate Larry D. Kump

-----Original Message-----
From: State Police Captain Robert A. Blair
Sent: Aug 3, 2012
To: Delegate Larry D. Kump
Subject: Reckless Drivers

Thank you Sir. We have been getting numerous calls in this area and as you so correctly stated, we are stretched very thin. I will pass this on and see if we can get a few patrols and possibly catch a few of the offenders. The other issue we have is where to initiate a traffic stop in the construction zone (no place to safely stop a vehicle). I appreciate your support and how you handle these citizen complaints. We want to get the reckless drivers just as much or more than the citizens that call in. Again thanks and please do not hesitate to call upon the WVSP if you need anything.

Captain Rob Blair
Troop 2 Commander
West Virginia State Police

----Original Message-----
From: Delegate Larry D. Kump
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012
To: Jeff

The law is clear.
It's mostly a matter of citizen good sense and responsibility.
Police coverage is already stretched thin on other pressing public safety concerns, but I will pass along your alert.

cc: State Police
Citizen Concern Voiced:

Hey Larry.
More and more drivers are blowing thru construction zone merge ramps on to 81 from Spring mills up and down. Almost got swiped. Anything we can do to alert the staties. I see this all the time.

Footnote: Please visit & for more about good governance issues. 

A Life Lesson

 On a previous Saturday morning, I was a guest on Elliot Simon's "Common Sense" radio broadcast from Shepherd University, and also had accepted his invitation to join him  that morning for a tasty breakfast at the famous Shepherdstown "Betty's" restaurant.

 And so it was, earlier that morning and while walking through the West Virginia village of Shepherdstown, that an elderly couple crossed my path.

 They were holding hands while they were taking their morning stroll, which prompted me to compliment them on their mutual affection.

With a twinkle in his eye, the old gentleman smiled, then gently pointed out to me that they held hands to keep each other from stumbling (see the Bible, Old Testament, Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 4, Verse 10).

 What a wondrous example they were and are, and a life lesson for all of us, in all our activities and relationships.

Please share this post with others, asking them to also go and do likewise.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit and for good governance issues.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Doctor was "IN"

Previously, James "Doc" Warner  traveled across the Potomac River, to speak to the Berkeley County Republican Club at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, West Virginia. This was a number of years ago, but is worth recounting herein.

He shared some of his insights and experiences, including being shot down while flying a mission during the Vietnam War.

As a Prisoner of War (POW) with John McCain, Doc recounted some of his personal trials and tribulations, and how they persuaded him to disavow atheism and become a man of faith.

He then related other experiences and insights, including his successful participation in arguing a case, based on the principles of the 10th Amendment to our United States Constitution, before the United States Supreme Court.

Meeting participants were spellbound as Doc wove his own personal tapestry of how his life's journey taught him about faith, Constitutional rights, and our God given liberties.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)
Visit & for other good governance issues.

A Grass-Roots Education Reform Proposal

This previous 2013 letter of mine still makes lots of sense to me, especially here and now.
What do you think?

"Dear Senator Unger,

Your suggestion, that we amend the West Virginia Constitution to make the West Virginia State Board of Education directly accountable to voters via non-partisan elections, scythes through the chaff from the often bloviated and byzantine blathering of numerous nattering nabobs (with a vengeance).

Count me in as an enthusiastic supporter of this proposal, preferably to be implemented in General elections, as I similarly have proposed for local county school board elections (HB 2555, House of Delegates Political Subdivisions Committee).

Let's give Mountaineer voters a direct say in our children's education.

Yours for better governance,

West Virginia Delegate  Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)"

Visit & for more on good governance issues.

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!