Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Character Counts!

As previously published in "The Journal" daily newspaper, by Ed Singhas:

"Some of the social changes we’ve had to endure have made life increasingly frustrating, but we can turn things around if we want to.
We do this by looking past the political rhetoric, and focus on real American values, as opposed to perverted values being sold to us by politicians vying for the vote of each well defined group they themselves created.
We can restore America if we vote for the right people. People who hold to values that made this a great Country to live in.
Those we send to represent us must have impeccable character and integrity as testified by people who know them best, people with know-how, and a proven record of success.
Larry D. Kump,  West Virginia House of Delegates, District #59, has demonstrated that he is sensitive to injustices, and has taken them on at every turn, but never has he used them to incite unrest for political gain.
Larry is a common sense, Christian man who keeps our individual rights front and center. He's a man of principle and high moral values, dedicated to doing what’s right for West Virginians. A Constitutional Conservative, with a proven record of accomplishment in the West Virginia House of Delegates, but more importantly, a man we can trust.
As a long time friend of Larry’s I can tell you , he didn’t just start caring when he entered politics. His entering politics was a result of his genuine concern, and confidence in his ability to get things done.
After a brief time away, his return to public service in 2018 came at the urging of those who know him best, and are confident there’s no one better for the job.
You’ve never had anyone fight harder for you, and as someone who lives outside of his district, I know our State only benefited from his strong presence in Charleston.
I know I share this confidence with many people across our State,  and putting Larry D. Kump back in the House of Delegates was a big step in the right direction for West Virginians.
 -Ed Singhas,
Martinsburg, West Virgina"

Postscript from Larry: Visit and for more about good governance issues, and please share this message with others, asking them to go and do likewise. Finally, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

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