Tuesday, August 4, 2020

From a State Police Troop Commander

This heartening and personal note, from several years ago, truly warmed my heart.

"Good afternoon Delegate Kump,

This is just a quick note to say thanks for your service in the West Virginia Legislature.

If you need anything from the Panhandle while you are away from home, please do not hesitate to call (feel free to share this invitation with all Panhandle representatives).

Also, thanks for your obvious strong support of our Constitution, more particularly our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I believe this amendment allows us to protect and secure all other rights given to us by our Creator.

Furthermore, I know you have always supported West Virginia State Police issues, and I appreciate your solid efforts on our behalf concerning future matters that will allow the West Virginia State Police to continue our longstanding service to the citizens of this great State.

Hope all is well in Charleston.
Montani Semper Liberi!


Captain Rob Blair
Troop 2 Commander
West Virginia State Police"

Meanwhile, and for sure and for certain, may God bless you all real good!

-West Virginia Delegate Larry D. Kump, District #59 (Berkeley-Morgan counties)

Visit www.LarryKump.us & www.LarryKump.com for more about good governance issues.

1 comment:

  1. See!!! Many people know what a great guy you are, just as I do, and it is so good to see other people telling you how much they appreciate you. Keep up the great work and always remember I love you because I know what you can do for people.


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